Group Art Therapy

Group programs are a great way to develop new creative skills and learn more about oneself, whilst participating within a supportive and stimulating environment. This can lead to a refreshing and reviving of your creative spirit, and also enhancing social cohesion with the positive energy shared by all participants.

I can be contracted to work with businesses, community organisations, community groups, schools, or circles of friends. I will custom design expressive arts experiences tailored to your group’s specific needs. I am also able to provide workshops as part of your organisations self-care and wellness programming. Workshops and groups can be online via Zoom, or be brought to your organisation, community centre, school or home.

Please contact me if you would like to set up a group for your community.


“I found our art therapy session to be really interesting, and it produced some profound results for me personally. The video-based creative works we did were a useful way of expressing oneself in a free, unhindered way. Watching my sequence of clips amongst the other participants was enlightening and the feedback that I got was very insightful; as was the exercise Alisha had us perform afterwards, involving answering questions about our experience and what we had learnt. Thank you very much for such a great experience Alisha !!”


“Isha – your Experimental Drawing Course has been for me totally inspirational!  Thank you so much for your guidance and support over the past eight weeks – it has been an amazing journey with some very special people.  I found each session to be challenging, extremely thought provoking and rewarding. The variety of interesting topics always created anticipation as to how the blank page could be transformed into a ‘work of art’!”


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